速報APP / 個人化 / Conky Like Widget

Conky Like Widget





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Via g. ferraris 25

Conky Like Widget(圖1)-速報App

CLW is a Conky like widget configurable with Conky syntax. It can provide system statics such as battery level, ram usage, agenda appointment, top process, date and time.

CLW read text files and display widgets, it provides some example however you should write your file. Absolutely not WYSIWYG. Not all Conky's options are available, see github to check what is implemented.


- Conky syntax. fully customizable.

- Update only when needed, when you tap, or when you decide it. No background service and no waste of cpu, ram or battery

Conky Like Widget(圖2)-速報App

- Text with custom font, color, size, shadow and outline.

- Conky like bar.

- Image support.

- System stuff like uptime, rom name android version.

- Battery information.

Conky Like Widget(圖3)-速報App

- Disk space information.

- Ram usage.

- Cpu information.

- Top cpu and top mem command.

- Wifi information

Conky Like Widget(圖4)-速報App

- Agenda/Calendar support.

- Time and date in custom format (with your locale)

- Execute custom commands in format of text or bar.

No Thanks!

- No ADS

Conky Like Widget(圖5)-速報App

- No internet data usage.

- No nonsense permission (only data storage required)

- No limit to the number of widget you can have.

- No limit to what you can do with configuration files; CLW only read them from anywhere you specify. Save, backup, import to other device, share and modify config. files freely.


Conky Like Widget(圖6)-速報App

- Data storage: required for read your configuration file and write examples.

- Agenda: needed only if you want clw display your agenda.


Instruction: https://github.com/scorzy/CLW/wiki

Main github page: https://github.com/scorzy/CLW

Conky Like Widget(圖7)-速報App

Example files: https://github.com/scorzy/CLW/tree/master/release/example

If you find a bug or need help contact me via email or github

Conky Like Widget(圖8)-速報App